Interview with Bright Freeman, leader of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour of Central and Western Africa
The leader of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour In Central and West Africa is Bright Freeman, a native of Ghana, who found Scientology when studying at the University of Cape Town. “I searched for many years to find a solution for my people,” said Mr. Freeman. “I was born and raised in Ghana, and while that country is in pretty good shape, it is surrounded by countries plagued with hopelessness, fear and poverty”.
In 2003, in his search for answers, Mr. Freeman traveled from Ghana to the University of Cape Town, where he embarked on a study of political diplomacy, his third university degree. He chose this field to find answers for his country and Africa.
“I had tried helping my people through education as a teacher, and I had helped people as a pastor and through various human rights programs. I had tried many avenues, but in all my travels and studies, I found no answers that truly changed the condition of my people.”
It was in Cape Town that Mr. Freeman was introduced to Dianetics and Scientology by a local Scientologist.
“Africa is steeped in centuries of superstition and suppression. When I learned the study technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard and I read the Dianetics book I knew I had found the answer. I knew this would lift the darkness in Africa, a darkness that has come from ignorance. Now I am bringing the light of understanding to my people.
“The difference with this program is that we bring real solutions. I’ve spoken to diplomats who command nations, and they have personal difficulties they can’t resolve—how to raise their children so they will do well in life and continue to respect their parents, how to address marital difficulties. I have spoken to men who live in poverty, and they too have the same difficulties. No matter their station in life, people have no solutions, and with the technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard they see the difference.
“They have seen many people come and go. Some have been motivated by an effort to control and suppress, offering false hope and help. Some have been motivated by kindness, but they lacked any effective technology. But the technology of L. Ron Hubbard works, and they see it right away. We are not preaching to them, we are empowering them. This is how we will change Africa forever. Finally the African people will be able to choose their own destiny and create their own future.
“This will end the suppression and despair. I’ve seen it for myself. We’re not telling people they must belong to some new society, or rally to some idea, we restore their self-respect and give them the tools to live a better life. The technology of L. Ron Hubbard is changing Africa, and I am proud to be part of that”
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour of Central and Western Africa is a humanitarian endeavor made possible by the support of Scientologists from around the world.
For more information visit the Scientology Volunteer Ministers web site.